Recording an ECG

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Recording an ECG

Recording an ECG
Before you start
  • To measure and record physiological parameters, TeltoHeart utilizes photoplethysmography (PPG) and electrocardiogram (ECG).
  • To transmit ECG data, ensure that TeltoHeart and TeltoHeart mobile application are paired with iOS 14 or later / Android 10 or later.
  • To activate the ECG function, simply open the ECG function in TeltoHeart.
  • Push the side button once to open up a menu.
  • Tap the ECG function icon Ecg5.png on your TeltoHeart.
  • Follow instructions on screen.
How to take ECG recording

Nr1.png Follow the instructions on screen and tap NEXT.
Nr2.png Please sit down and make sure TeltoHeart is on your left wrist and strapped tightly but comfortably.

Wrist.png ECG1.png

Nr3.png Place and hold the abdomen electrode on the left abdomen side in the level of the belly button.

Abdomen1.png ECG2.png

Nr4.png While holding the abdomen electrode on the left abdomen side in the level of the belly button, put your right hand finger on the finger electrode above the screen.

Finger.png ECG3.png

Nr5 - Copy.png Select Tap to Record and during the countdown, perform the actions described above. Do not forget to keep your right hand finger on the finger electrode and remain still during recording.


Nr6.png The recording lasts for 60 seconds.
Nr7.png Once the recording is finished, you will see the message Recording completed displayed on the TeltoHeart screen.

Note icon.png Please note:
  • Please keep the TeltoHeart application running in the background to allow measurement data transfer.
  • ECG recordings cannot be performed if battery charge is less than 10%.