TeltoCare software changelogs

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Version Release date Changes
Version 1.15.2
Release date 2024-10-09


  • Adapted TeltoCare to support various screen sizes, including desktop and mobile.
  • Improved afib burden bar chart with automatic Y-axis scaling, adding 10% to the max afib burden for better visualization.
  • Added responsive design to the top navigation bar for better usability across devices.
  • Implemented responsive design for the data filtering (calendar) component.
  • Updated the average steps calculation to only include days with data.
  • Displayed days on the X-axis of the HR data chart when filtering by multiple days, weeks, months, or year.
  • Enhanced the registration page with a fully responsive design for mobile devices.
  • Included a link to the login page in account creation emails to streamline user access.
  • Updated the ECG section for mobile screens by removing the ECG chart for better mobile adaptation.
  • Maintained consistent ECG visualization across different desktop resolutions.
  • Set personal info input fields in the profile settings to full width (100%) on mobile devices.
  • Removed labels from input fields in the profile settings when viewed on mobile for a cleaner design.
  • Removed labels from input fields in security settings on mobile for a streamlined look.
  • Adjusted the security settings input fields to full width (100%) on mobile devices.
  • Enabled automatic file retrieval and uploads to TeltoCare.
  • Added HR min, max, and average for each entry in the afib section for clearer data insights.
  • Enabled scheduled file uploads and downloads from the app according to the configured schedule.


  • Fixed ECG chart display issue when zooming in or out.
  • Corrected non-responsive design on the registration page for mobile devices.
  • Resolved calendar picker overlapping with navigation menu items on mobile.
  • Fixed log out button disappearing on small screens.
  • Corrected incorrect dates on X-axis labels in charts.
  • Fixed frontend design unresponsiveness on mobile.
  • Resolved HR data showing misleading months and days when viewed using the year filter.
  • Fixed missing step count data display.
  • Addressed duplication issue in the afib section.
  • Fixed scheduled push triggers for file download/upload not working in production.
  • Resolved missing heart rate data in the afib section.
  • Fixed issue preventing new users from logging in due to problems with password changes.
  • Corrected broken URL in the account invite email.
  • Fixed issue preventing patient creation using phone numbers.
  • Resolved incorrect data time display.
  • Fixed incorrect HR min/max data caused by missing HR entries.
Version 1.13.14
Release date 2024-04-30


New functionalities

  • Added support for user registration via the app
  • Simplified registration form to include only mandatory fields for patient creation
  • Users with unverified emails are now denied access to TeltoCare
  • Users must verify their email after entering patient details to continue registration
  • New registration form includes all mandatory inputs for patient creation
  • Added a "Register" button on the authentication screen


  • Improved patient dashboard page load
  • Reduced login loading time
  • Reduced user page loading time
  • Reduced medical data loading time

Improved user delete functionality

  • Users with permissions can now delete their own accounts

Main admin changing functionality

  • Main admins must transfer their role to another organization's admin before deleting their own account
  • Organization's admins cannot delete their own account if they are the only admin in the organization

Change hospital functionality

  • Added an unchecked checkbox by default for hospital visibility for patient transfers
  • Hidden hospitals will not appear in the "My Hospital" dropdown
  • Checkbox added to show a hospital in the patient's transfer dropdown if checked
  • Checkbox added for hospital visibility in "Manage Organizations" page
  • Added a section in "Manage Organizations" page for hospital contact details
  • Accepted transfer patients now appear in the hospital's "Users" page without "Transfer" status
  • Hospital doctors/admins can access the transfer request acceptance window via the "Users" page
  • Optional "Reason" input field added in the modal for declining hospital transfer requests
  • Declined transfer patients no longer appear in the hospital's "Users" page
  • Hospital doctors/admins can access the transfer request decline window via the "Users" page
  • Patients requesting to join a hospital now show in the "Users" page with "Transfer" status
  • Transfer request patients appear in the "Patients" page for hospital admins or doctors
  • "In Queue" status added for hospital transfer requests that are pending approval
  • "In Queue" or "Declined" status displayed for hospital transfer requests
  • Approved transfer requests no longer appear in the hospital transfer request list
  • Decline reason field shown in the patient's request status if declined
  • Transfer request status shown as "Declined" if denied by the hospital
  • Patients can now cancel their hospital transfer requests
  • Only one hospital transfer request can be created at a time
  • Added "My Hospital" page in the side menu for patients
  • Patient accounts can filter HR, ECG, and Afib data by various time frames (H/D/W/M/Y)

Other improvements

  • Improved overall system performance and user experience based on feedback


  • ECG print time and record time are now shown in the same time zone
  • Corrected typo in 'Send request'
  • Changes in allergies field by Hospital Doctor account are now saved correctly
  • Fixed issue where permission changes were not being saved
  • Resolved issue with leads being mixed up in exported ECG
  • Fixed visibility issue for doctors when accessed by hospital admin
  • Completed status field for patients is now properly displayed
  • Users can now delete their own accounts
  • Fixed issue where ECG export showed notes incorrectly next to aVR
  • Export button in ECG section now correctly displays ECG Information
  • Improved quality of ECG PDF exports and fixed time axis issues
  • Fixed discrepancies in heart rate averages across different interval settings
  • ECG record details are now fully visible in exported ECG files
  • Users can now create accounts with the appropriate permissions
Version 1.12.26
Release date 2024-03-18


  • Resolved issue where users could not see updated Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy information.
  • Fixed login problems preventing users from accessing their accounts.
  • Fixed loading time when selecting a user
  • Improved error messages to make them clearer when logging into an account that is in the process of deletion.
Version 1.12.23
Release date 2024-03-06


  • The timezone/color legend will no longer appear on the right side of the HR section if only one timezone has ever been selected for that user.


  • Afib data is now properly displayed in TeltoCare.
  • Doctors can now delete patient accounts successfully.
  • Fixed issue with mixed-up page numbers in ECG exports.
Version 1.12.20
Release date 2024-03-01


  • Implement timezone change history functionality
  • Store date and time in UTC+0 timezone
  • Allow users to change their local time zone
  • Functionality for changing actual timezone shall be stored in the Settings page
  • Allow user to select timezone from a dropdown list
  • Display medical data with adjusted timezone offset
  • Display a separate set of HR data columns if the adjustable timezone is changed
  • Differentiate HR data from different timezones using differently colored bars
  • Have a button in Settings page to show timezone changing history
  • Display a table containing historical information of user's timezone changes containing date, time, and the timezone to which the user switched to
  • Display the timezone in ECG selection buttons to indicate in which timezone it belongs
  • Show legend of colors and timezones on the right side of the HR chart section
  • Allow user to change the previously selected timezone for old data


  • Incorrect max value shown in HR section
  • Hovering over HR data columns is not working correctly
  • Yearly filter shows over 365 days in HR section's X axis
  • HR hover not working as intended
  • Misaligned X axis
  • Hospital admin details not shown in Hospital list
  • Events not showing event type anymore
  • TC and PP pages not loading on prod
  • Heart rate interval not working
  • Email check is case sensitive
Version 1.12.16
Release date 2024-02-25


  • Non human readable error message when logging into a user who's in the process of deletion
  • Unable to create hospital doctor
  • Search showing incorrect results
  • TeltoCare allows saving an invalid year.
  • Error connecting to the database error:
  • Allows inputting something other than numbers (special symbols, letters) in the phone input field.
  • Can create a user by entering symbols in the email field
  • Duplicating events
Version 1.12.10
Release date 2024-01-31
  • TeltoCare user create: Error to select country when country is selected
  • Hospital navigation bar displays double patients option
  • TeltoCare does not allow Doctor to create users.
  • Patient assign does not work